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ZŠ s MŠ Hladovka

027 13 Hladovka 238



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Read the blog and answer the questions.
Wow – what a holiday!  We arrived back this morning at 5 o’clock and I’m really tired. The journey home took eight hours and of course I couldn’t sleep on the plane. I watched a few films, then read a magazine about elephants! Mum wants me to go to bed but I had to get on my computer to write this blog. So before I go to sleep I want to tell you about the holiday. As you know, I went to Canada with my family. That’s my mum, my dad and Kelly, my sister. George, my older brother, couldn’t come because he started a new job last week. We stayed with my mum’s cousin and her family. They have a huge house: it’s bigger than ours and it’s got a big garden with lots of trees and a lake! Yes, a real lake. They go swimming in it in the summer. We couldn’t go in the water because it’s too cold now. In fact, they have snow everywhere at the moment. We had a great time in the snow. Every morning we had to clean the snow off the cars. We went to the mountains for a few days because they love skiing. I tried it too. It was fun. We also went to watch a game of ice hockey. That was very exciting but Kelly got bored. Younger sisters are a problem sometimes. She always wants to do different things. She wanted to go swimming and go to the cinema. I mean – you can do that in England!  Dad liked it in Canada because his best friend, Mike, lives there. They went out a lot together. I don’t think I’d like to live there all the time. It was a bit too cold and a lot of the people speak French. I can’t understand that! Anyway – it was a good holiday and I ate lots of pancakes with syrup! I didn’t do any schoolwork in Canada so now I have to read some books. Term begins next Monday. Help!

Does the blog mention these things? Write YES or NO.
1 A plane journey    _____
2 Elephants            _____
3 Canada            _____
4 The writer’s family    _____
5 The weather        _____
6 Playing football        _____
7 A picnic            _____
8 Going skiing        _____
9 Languages        _____
10 Food            _____

Are the statements true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM)?
1 The writer is going to do some homework in the morning.  _____
2 The writer saw a film about elephants.   _____
3 The writer went on holiday with his whole family.  _____
4 They stayed with family members when they were on holiday.  _____
5 The writer and his sister like the same activities.  _____
6 The writer watched some sport while he was on holiday.  _____
7 The writer’s friend Mike, lives in Canada.  _____
8 The writer is a good skier.  _____
9 The writer speaks French easily.  _____
10 The writer wouldn’t like to live in Canada all the time.  _____


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ZŠ s MŠ Hladovka
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027 13 Hladovka

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