1 Pomenuj časti tela:
2 Pospájaj osoby a tvary slovesa have got:
have got, has got
he we she
it I they you
3 Doplň správny tvar slovesa have got:
I have got a rabbit. (+) Have they got a guinea pig? (?) She hasn´t got a new car. (-)
1. Our parents ........................ a new television. (+)
2. Zuzana ............................ an MP3 player. (-)
3. Their cat .........................a black body. (+)
4. Their dog ............................a new bone. (-)
5. ................. she ................ a pink umbrella? (?)
6. We ...................... thin books. (-)
7. Our friends .......................... an old bike. (+)
4 Nakresli panáčika podľa opisu:
The little man has got a thin body and short feet. He has got a big head and small eyes. One ear is big and one ear is small. He has got five yellow and five green fingers on his hands. One eye is red and one eye is pink. His mouth is blue. He hasn´t got a nose. His hair is short and black.
5 Prelož vety:
Máš psa? Nie, nemám.
Naša učiteľka má oranžové vlasy.
Kedy máme telocvik?
Ivo nemá novú PC hru.